Tuesday, November 30, 2010

thanks and changes.

the other day was thanksgiving, and as expected, i was pretty much the only one excited about it (thanksgiving is not celebrated here in the philippines!). but that was totally fine! :) so to celebrate thanksgiving, i thought i would incorporate this american holiday into our activity at the jail. after doing some fun group activities like the human knot, the count off game, 7-up, different team building activities, it was time to take out the art supplies and the blank sheets of paper.

on one side, draw/write something you are thankful for. on the other side, draw/write something that you would like to change/improve about yourself. i called this, "thanks and changes." and so they went...

"i'm thankful for my family."

"the first thing i want to give thanks for is for the blessings God gives me everyday, and that we are not abandoned."

"the thing i want to take out of my life is drinking"

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